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Doomsday Convention 2017


Serpentina in her blade box- may 2017

2017 marked the 3rd time Dr Diablo's Carnival Macabre has opened the Doomsday Bizarre Convention at Sneaton Abbey in Whitby. Mixing things up again this year the trio of performers included Dr Diablo, Steve Bloody Bones and myself as a number of characters! It was definitely a year for the girls, the banner line showcased Miss electra and new addition Serpentina to go with our new Blade Box (seen above). Serpentina lays in the coffin shaped box which is closed around her- then large steel blades are pushed right through the cabinet every which way imaginable! When all the blades are in Serpentina shows she is still in there and the audience are invited up to look inside the box for a small donation of course! Serpentina is twisted round and through the blades in a very strange position! Its a lot of fun and seemed a very popular talking point for the first half! Other acts before hand included fire eating, the human blockhead, pincushion (not for the squeamish) and the bed of nails!

The second half allowed guest act Steve to show off his impressive sword swallowing skills and then a slightly more disturbing act... mixing a cocktail swinging from eye hooks... I can't bring myself to post it here but its got to be seen! go check out his website if you want a really unusual act! I then presented my contortion box as Luna, then another quick change into Miss Electra to close the show with the electric chair.

We had a great time as always and really enjoyed being the official start to another great convention! Looking forward to 2018- we already have so many ideas bubbling away!

Katie x

Luna stretching off to get in her box

The audience couldn't resist peeking in the blade box at Serpentina. Stunning stage banners

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